Sunday, August 23, 2020
Counterargument and Peaceful Species Free Essays
IGCSE English as a First Language †The Winchester School, Dubai Ishita Sharma †11G Argumentative composition: â€Å"Humans are a serene animal varieties at heart†How far do you concur? Are people a quiet animal varieties on a fundamental level? It’s a troublesome errand to pick an unmistakable side yet numerous individuals have numerous suppositions. There are different individuals who will say indeed, people are a serene animal varieties on a basic level yet there are similarly numerous individuals who might state no. All things considered, it is an expansive point concerning an eccentric species. We will compose a custom article test on Counterargument and Peaceful Species or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now One in number contention on the side of this announcement would be that in the event that we weren’t a serene animal varieties how might we exist together in such an enormous populace in places like super urban areas. Besides, lawbreakers exist in a minority, in what manner would that be able to steer the results and make us feel that we are a vicious animal groups. Additionally, on the off chance that we were so vicious, for what reason would we arrange foundation for individuals we don’t even know? For what reason would gifts exist? In the event that we were not agreeable how might ages of researchers from everywhere throughout the world find things, for example, the particle, meds and so on. The counter-contention to that would be that we could simply be participating for childish reasons or from dread of equity. There are numerous who are against this announcement and have similarly the same number of focuses to legitimize their feeling. The most significant point is that in the event that we were so serene, for what reason are there such things as wars? A minority of crooks, which is gradually rising, have the capacity to execute blameless individuals, would they say they are not people as well? How can it be that weapons, for example, firearms which were created to ensure the blameless, are presently being utilized to murder them? Fear based oppression and bigotry, as it were contempt, have expended numerous helpless creatures. It is in human instinct truth be told, to be forceful. In our history, there have been gigantic slaughters for narrow minded reasons, for example, a journey for power and even common assets. We are the explanation that the Earth may endure another Ice Age as we are decimating it every day. Might it be able to not be that it is a dread of being denounced that causes us to carry on like common individuals? All things considered, only 3000 years or so prior, we were brutes who battled about land and food, and it appears we keep on doing as such. Taking everything into account, in the wake of weighing up the contentions, I feel that I am against this announcement. People are not tranquil as it isn't even in our temperament to be so. We are the reason for some scourges and at long last we are the ones who annihilate one another and everything around us whether it is for narrow minded purposes or equity. All things considered, there is no defense for savagery, annihilation and obviously, childishness. Remark: Introductory passage. Clarifies the way this is an unpredictable points towards which individuals have varying sentiments. Remark: Reason 1. Contention for Comment: Good case of connective verb modifier to create reason 1. Remark: Reason 2 Comment: Bridge sentence, demonstrating that she is presently proceeding onward to the reasons against the subject Comment: Argument areas. Purposes behind. Remark: Use of facetious inquiries to bring the peruser over to her perspective. Remark: Counter contention segment. Reasons against. Remark: Conclusion segment of the exposition. She expresses her conclusion and emphasized the primary motivation behind why she doesn’t accept people are a tranquil animal types on a basic level. By and large, this paper scores An evaluation. Ishita has followed the structure we examined in class: clear presentation, trailed by contention, counterargument and an end. She has focuses for and against the point demonstrating that she has thought about the two sides of the contention and knows about what the advocates and adversaries of the announcement accept. She has utilized a couple of non-serious inquiries for accentuation †consistently a decent procedure. Her decision was sound: she expresses her assessment in the wake of giving us her primary motivation behind why she accepts people aren’t a quiet animal types on a fundamental level. Her sentences are linguistically right and she comes to her meaningful conclusions concisely with a sure economy of words. She could score a higher evaluation on the off chance that she concentrated somewhat more on explaining her focuses for/against. Utilizing a progressively changed jargon would add an additional measurement to her composition and commute home her focuses even more viably. †Mr. Roberts The most effective method to refer to Counterargument and Peaceful Species, Essay models
Friday, August 21, 2020
Education Essay -- History, Educational Needs, Curriculum
The reasons we teach our youngsters have changed after some time. In any case, a portion of the basic beliefs continue as before. One of the most significant motivations behind tutoring is the transmission of a culture starting with one age then onto the next. It is critical to pass on our way of life, qualities, and convictions to our youngsters so we keep on having a durable populace. Tutoring offers chance to our youngsters by showing them important aptitudes that permit them to act naturally adequate and have effective existences. Tutoring additionally serves to diminish the social ills those without instruction experience the ill effects of. A last reason for instruction is to make individuals who are dynamic in community life. All social orders have utilized proper training to pass on their way of life. Schools have been utilized for a considerable length of time to pass on religion, values, and other socially huge standards. Our way of life and educational plan are completely interwoven. At the point when the homesteaders came to America they carried with them their way of life and the manner in which they taught their kids mirrored that. The main settlers were strict individuals and their educational program was very religious. It praised the guidance they got at chapel and home. As outsiders overwhelmed into the nation, life changed drastically. As the populace spread west, the average family and social elements quickly changed. Individuals turned out to be generally scattered, and the church’s authority and impact was no longer as significant. Individuals before long understood the manner in which they were accustomed to teaching their youngsters expected to adjust to their better approach forever. At first just affluent male youngsters were taught. Individuals may show their young ladies to peruse and compose their name, yet many accepted young ladies and ladies came up short on the psychological ability to learn much past that. In the seve... being guided at the early evaluations in an across the board manner†(Feldman, 2007, pg.4) This is a positive development and ideally with time, there will be an expanded mindfulness and significance set on city instruction. The motivation behind tutoring can be exceptionally abstract, yet some center purposes have continued through time. These basic beliefs are significant and will keep on being the main thrust of training. Shockingly, ordinarily the admired motivations behind instruction are immensely not quite the same as the truth. Our training framework isn't great yet it is continually improving. In spite of its blemishes, our present educational system teaches our youngsters numerous significant abilities, both socially and scholastically. School allows our kids to arrive at their maximum capacity and prevail throughout everyday life. As our way of life changes, so will our motivations behind teaching our youngsters.
Friday, July 10, 2020
Free Reflective Essay Samples
Free Reflective Essay SamplesThe easiest way to achieve the best essay, besides homework is by using free reflective essay samples. These are available online at free sites and can be the very first place a student looks for an essay topic. There are a few basic tips for using these samples.The first step when searching for free reflective essay samples is to select a sample that you like. You can use the sample for several reasons. Perhaps the essay samples are free for a particular topic or perhaps they are free for a year or several years for a particular topic.When searching for free reflective essay samples, do not forget to specify your own writing style. While it may seem obvious, you have to write in a personal manner when writing for reflection purposes. In addition, think about using an expression that has meaning that you personally know.A common question is how do I write reflective essays? Well, there are a few pointers that you can take. If you have a creative writing s tyle and you understand and can adapt to your personal needs and goals, you can write like you are talking to a close friend who will appreciate your perspective.If you wish to write with more literary flair, then you need to look into some types of essay writing software that you can download from the Internet. These usually allow you to customize each paragraph. There are even automatic renaming options that can be incorporated in any type of essay.So if you find the paper that you are looking for or choose to borrow one from a library, be sure to check it out on an 'independent source' before using it in class. If you want to try and find one online, check the spelling and grammar of the words to make sure they are correct.When using reflective essay samples to plan your essays, remember that you need to be respectful to yourself. Always be sure to avoid plagiarism by following these simple guidelines.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Rhetorical Analysis Of Winston Churchills Speech
Winston Churchill, a legendary Prime Minister, led Great Britain through some of its darkest times: World War II. The speech he gave to the House of Commons on June 4, 1940, aptly nicknamed the â€Å"We shall fight on the beaches†speech, carried great importance to his people. In the days before the speech, the British faced a heavy military loss in Belgium and France. Belgium surrendered to the Nazis, stranding numerous French and British troops at Dunkirk and neighboring beaches in France, fully exposed to the advance of the Nazi war machine. With the ocean as their only feasible direction of retreat, the Navy organized all its resources to pull the men out from Dunkirk over the English Channel and bring them back to safety in England. The†¦show more content†¦The country rejoiced, flooded with solace. By acknowledging the potential military disaster, catalyzed by another country, Churchill emphasizes the significance of the successful withdrawal of his troops, inspiring a sense of immense nationalism and pride in his audience. He perfectly seizes the opportunity before him, as he knew that he had to stir his people to rise up and rebuild in order to win his war. Churchill’s ultimate goal was to keep fighting until either his country was destroyed or had vanquished his enemies, and this escape, solely due to German error, provided a chance to bring the British to victory. He knew the situation was still dire for him and his country. The British were vastly outnumbered, and the loss of the Belgian army dealt a blow to the Allies. The speech was meant to prime the British people for what was to come By praising the feats accomplished by his compatriots and describing the spirit of their actions, Churchill excites the audience’s sense of civic pride and duty. The master of rhetoric, a popular, respected man, honored the individuals who persevered in the face of adversity, and commends each wing of his military as well as the many civilians who participated in the effort. In laudation of He continues to lionize the Royal Army in allusion to KingShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Winston Churchill And Queen Elizabeths Speech914 Words  | 4 PagesQueen Elizabeth and Winston Churchill are both famously known in history but also for their speeches given. Queen Elizabeth was taxed with the task of rallying British commoners, many of them untrained farmers, to battle the Spanish Armada as they closed in on the coast of England in 1588. In 1940, three days into his new appointment as Prime Minister, Winston Churchill faced the daunting task of unifying the country during Bri tain’s involvement in World War II. Both figures had different audiencesRead MoreDiscourse Analysis on Winston Churchill and Tony Blair2833 Words  | 12 Pageswill be conducting a discourse analysis on a speech made by Winston Churchill in the 1940s, when he informed the British public that they will be entering war. I will use sociological research which examines the discourse of politics to supply context for this speech. My research topic is to discover in this essay is how Prime Ministers use persuasive techniques to win the support of the people. To achieve this, I will be comparing Churchill’s speech to Tony Blair’s speech in 2003 when he declared warRead More ‘We Shall Fight on the Beaches’- A Rhetorical Analysis1561 Words  | 7 PagesShall Fight on the Beaches’- A Rhetorical Analysis I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our Island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone. –Sir Winston Churchill, ‘ We Shall Fight on the Beaches’. Sir Winston Churchill’s speech, ‘We Shall Fight on the Beaches’Read MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesLine 58 Understanding and Appreciating Individual Differences Important Areas of Self-Awareness 61 Emotional Intelligence 62 Values 65 Ethical Decision Making and Values 72 Cognitive Style 74 Attitudes Toward Change 76 Core Self-Evaluation 79 SKILL ANALYSIS 84 Cases Involving Self-Awareness 84 Communist Prison Camp 84 Computerized Exam 85 Decision Dilemmas 86 SKILL PRACTICE 89 Exercises for Improving Self-Awareness Through Self-Disclosure 89 Through the Looking Glass 89 Diagnosing Managerial CharacteristicsRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pageslamentable. Taken together, the key themes and processes that have been selected as the focus for each of the eight essays provide a way to conceptualize the twentieth century as a coherent unit for teaching, as well as for written narrative and analysis. Though they do not exhaust the crucial strands of historical development that tie the century togetherâ€â€one could add, for example, nationalism and decolonizationâ€â€they cover in depth the defining phenomena of that epoch, which, as the essays demonstrate
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Diabetes A Silent Killer - 1698 Words
â€Å"Diabetes is a silent killer†(Demille 2005, p.5). It is a metabolic disorder that can result in impaired quality of life and serious complications. This study aims to understand the case of Mr. Skyler Hanson who is newly diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 that leads to diabetic ketoacidosis which was confirmed by the presence of moderate to high ketones in the urine and a high blood glucose level. It was noted that he has a history of fatigue, headache, abdominal pain, nausea and frequent urination. Furthermore, it was disclosed that he has difficulty in adjusting to his diagnosis and he occasionally missed administration of insulin dose when socialising. Subsequently, he was admitted in the Critical Care Unit for rehydration,†¦show more content†¦541). Interventions should be rendered continuously, promptly and appropriately as it can cause life-threatening complications (Holt 2009, p. 26). Apparently, the patient is stable, but continuous assessment and m anagement should be done to avoid recurrences of untoward signs andsymptoms and prevent potential complications. Firstly, continuous assessment and vital signs should be done and these include blood pressure, cardiac rate, respiration, venous distention and skin turgor to assess possible occurrence of fluid overload as a result of rapid administration of large fluid that is often needed to treat the patient with DKA (Smeltzer Bare 2004 p. 1185). Aside from this, documentation of fluid intake and output should be monitored and documented to assess for circulatory overload and renal function (Holt 2009, p. 61). Significantly, it is integral in the provision of continuous care that nurses reassess the factors that may have contribute or led to DKA, and educate the patient and his family about strategies to prevent its recurrences (Smeltzer Bare 2004 p. 1186; Lemone, Burke Bauldoff 2011, p. 551). In addition, controlling of blood glucose level is necessary for Mr. Skyler. Nurses must monitor the blood glucose level and determine hyperglycaemia which is blood glucose level of more than or equal to 15 mmol/L and
Apa Style Example free essay sample
Stem Cell Research Legislation For some time now, stem cell research has been a major issue when it comes to ethics. â€Å"Ethics, science and religion became further intertwined with politics in the 1990’s, increasing the battles among congress, administrations, and other agencies†(Scott, 2006, p. 153). Stem cell research is probably one of the most important scientific advancements in the past one hundred years. Stem Cell research began in the 1800’s, with the discovery that some cells could actually generate other cells. In the early 1900’s the first actual stem cells were discovered when they found that some cells can generate blood cells. The history of stem cell research actually includes research done with both animal and human stem cells. A well known experiment with stem cell research had been bone marrow transplants using adult stem cells. In the early 1900’s doctors administered bone marrow by mouth to patients with anemia and leukemia, this therapy was proven to be unsuccessful; this was discovered because they found through lab experiments with mice that defective marrow could be restored to health with infusions into the bloodstream of marrow taken from other mice. We will write a custom essay sample on Apa Style Example or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This brought forward the idea whether it was feasible to transplant bone marrow from one human to another, which is now known as allogeneic transplant. In the late 1950’s Jean Dausset was able to identify the first of many human histocompatibility antigens, these are proteins that are found on the surface of most cells in the body, and they are called leukocyte antigens (HLA antigens). It wasn’t until the 1960’s that doctors knew enough information about HLA antigens to actually successfully perform transplants between siblings who were not identical twins, and in 1978 a team of doctors performed the first unrelated bone marrow transplant. It took all of seven transplants to succeed, and in 1984 Congress actually passed the National Organ Transplant Act. In the 1990’s with the help of bone marrow, adult stem cells have shown great promise in other areas to. Stem cells have shown potential to form so many different kinds of cell types and tissues, that these cells could be used in repairing organs destroyed by diseases. In 1998, James Thompson actually isolated cells from the inner cell mass of early embryos, and he was able to actually develop the first embryonic stem cell lines. Also in 1998, John Gearhart derived gem cells from cells in fetal gonadal tissue. Because of these two individuals research, pluripontent stem cell â€Å"lines†were able to be developed from them. Currently the ethical concern over this type of stem cell research has to do with the November 2004 election, where California had a Stem Cell Research Funding authorization initiative on the ballot. The Stem Cell Research Funding authorization passed, it was a sixty percent to forty percent margin. This established the â€Å"California Institute for Regenerative Medicine†to be able to regulate stem cell research and the facilities performing the research. This also authorizes payments of general obligation bonds to be able to finance institute activities up to at least $3billion which is subject to an annual limit of $350 million. (Unknown, 2010) Politically, stem cell issue is something that the Democratic Party usually supports in funding which in the 2004 Democratic platform, this was supported. The Republican Party remains divided on this issue because it ties in with the abortion issue. There has not yet been a vote, though there are sixty senators which of that thirteen of those senators are Republican, these individuals signed a letter urging President Bush to support the federal funding for using embryos from in vitro clinics for this type of research. In July of 2001, the House sadly rejected a Democratic proposal that would be able to permit the cloning of embryos solely for medical research purposes and instead they passed legislation which banned all such cloning. So far, the Senate has not done anything to act on this legislation. (News Batch, 2008) Bush in 2006, stood by what he believed on stem cell research and vetoed a bill passed by the Senate that was capable of expanding federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. As of right now, American federal funding can only research on stem cells from already destroyed embryos. However, in March of 2009 President Obama overturned Bush’s ruling, and allowed US Federal funding to go to embryonic stem cell research, given the NIH policies on data sharing must be fallowed. The promise of human benefit from stem cell research is significant, carrying great potential benefit to infertile couples, families with genetic conditions, and individuals and families in need of effective therapies for a variety of diseases. Human and Human Services (HHS) stated, â€Å"the human embryo is entitled to profound respect, but this respect does not necessarily encompass the full legal and moral rights attributed to humans. †A member of the National Institutes of Health applied for funds to transplant fetal cells from carefully chosen abortions into Parkinson’s patients, but in 1987 the HHS rejected the request and banned fetal tissue research entirely. Anders Bjorklund and a group of students at the University of Lund later on successfully transplanted fetal cells into Parkinson’s patients, which started the market for therapeutic use of cell therapy for brain disease (Scott, 2006, p. 153). Today, donated organs and tissues are mainly used to replace destroyed tissue, except the demand for transplantable tissue and organs far outweigh the supply. Stem cells can be directed to separate into specific cell types, bring the possibility of a renewable source of replacement cells and tissues to treat diseases including but not limited to Alzheimer’s disease, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Because of this research it can become possible to generate healthy heart muscle cells that can be transplanted into patients that suffer from chronic heart disease. Stem cells are a form of human life; they are alive and contain human DNA. These cells are unique because they can be molded into developing into at least two hundred twenty cell types that are found in the human body. (Robinson, 2010) There are three types of stem cells, embryonic stem cells, which have the greatest potential because they can theoretically become any of the two hundred twenty cell types. A lot of the arguments on the ethics of stem cell research come from religious and social conservatives that are mostly pro-life. This is because they tend to believe that pre-embryos that are removed from the embryonic stem cells are a human person, so there for the process of removing the cells murders a human being. In the end stem cell research can potentially help with treating a range of medical problems. The benefits of stem cell research have such a great outcome that it outweighs the ethical issues; the research gives great insights about the basics of the human body. Even though many issues regarding ethical issues of stem cell research have now been solved, it is a reminder of a valuable example of what this treatment could cure. â€Å"In the process of pursuing the elusive stem cell and its promise of universal healing, we stand to gain important insight into the nature of human life itself. Along without obvious advances, we have evolved into a species with remarkably restricted regenerative capacity. Our bodies have long lost the forethought of indefinite growth possessed by the sequoia or the carp. Unlike starfish or newts, we can no longer replace lost limbs.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Julius Caesar And Brutus Essays - , Term Papers
Julius Caesar And Brutus In the play Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, Brutus is a tragic hero for he was easily manipulated, naive and patriotic. Brutus believed that the Romans wanted him as the leader to assassinate Caesar, because of the forged notes that were sent to him by Cassius. The note explained how to assassinate Caesar by "Speaking, Striking and Redressing". This note by Cassius caused Brutus to be manipulated into joining the conspirators, one of many flaws that leads to the downfall of Brutus and the assassination of Caesar. Brutus' trusting attitude toward Antony is an example of one of his flaws. Brutus allowed Antony to give a funeral speech for Julius Caesar and to be sure not to speak negatively about the conspiracy. This resulted in Antony leading a mob against the conspirators, "Revenge!, About!, Seek!, Burn!, Fire!, Kill!, Slay!, Let not a traitor live.!"(3.2.216). From this powerful speech and Brutus' na?vet?, Antony became his nemesis, an event that would ultimately lead to Brutus' downfall. Brutus had an overabundance of love for his country which blinded him to the truth. Brutus had said in one of his soliloquies, "If then that a friend demand why Brutus rose against Caesar, this is my answer: Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more". Brutus had honored Caesar but Brutus felt that Caesar was too ambitious. Brutus also felt that Caesar made the Romans as slaves. Brutus was a patriotic man who did not see past his patriotism, to see the exploitation of his comrades. Brutus was noble in how he was benevolent towards his fellow man, but this nobility was a negative component that led to his inevitable loss of nobility. Brutus had many errors in his plans in Julius Caesar; one of those errors was an exorbitant amount of love for Rome. Tragedy is when a person is deprived of something loved. Brutus had been deprived of his nobility. Brutus was a tragic hero because of his trusting, obedient personality and his yearning desire to help his fellow Romans. All of these factors contributed to his downfall. The factors that led to Brutus' death all were linked to his na?vet?, if he were a little more disloyal, he wouldn't have been taken advantage of.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Madame Bovary and Crime and Punishment essays
Madame Bovary and Crime and Punishment essays In the novels Madame Bovary and Crime and Punishment, the authors, Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Gustave Flaubert, use children to reflect the consequences of their parents actions. The authors portray these consequences through the children with the of the purpose of Emma Bovary in Madame Bovary and Marmeladov in Crime and Punishment, learning the lessons of fatherhood and motherhood. Gustave Flaubert uses unique writing style to develop the relationship between children and consequences. Fyodor Dostoyevsky also uses creative style in establishing a link between the two. In Madame Bovary, Flaubert uses his style in revealing Emma Bovarys consequences through her daughter Berthe. After Emmas marriage to Charles Bovary, Emma becomes pregnant. She hopes for a boy, though when she delivers the baby, it turns out to be a baby girl, Berthe. She faints when the baby is born, and soon becomes withdrawn after Berthes birth. Soon after Berthes birth, Emma begins leading a life of infidelity. Berthe suffers from these affairs, with Leon and Rodolphe, later on in her life. She longed for a son. He would be strong and dark, and she would call him George. This idea that she might have a male child was sort of anticipatory compensation for all the frustrations of her past life... Its a girl said Charles, she turned her head and lost consciousness (Flaubert, 1864, p.83). During the life of Berthe, she and Emma never had much of a mother-daughter relationship. Emma does not like being in the presence of Berthe and often pushes her away from herself. Many times Emma had to be reminded that she has a child, by Charles, when she tried convincing him to go on trips and vacations. Emma is self-centered, and therefore does not put Berthe first, nor fulfill what she needs in life. Emma only cares about herself. Berthe, in her little knitted boots, moved uncertainly, trying to reach her mother ...
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Business Management : Financial And Business Activities Essay -- Managem
In business management, the goals are making a great income and developing should have a good business sense in a company. The purpose of business management shows how to improve the economy. There are two proposes that explained. First is financial purpose; gaining profit is the most important of firms in business process. Second is social purpose; it is providing goods and services for people. It is important thing to improve because of public benefits. Business is not doing all of things in the company, it just focuses on manage, how to develop and maintain business job of company, organization. For example of some activities like, build up business process, business systems, business income statement. As the result, the most important in business management is having schedule, plans of what people can do in the future. A person is working with business management always active, confident, bcompany. The opportunities will come to people who try hard to work to become a manager. I would like to find more information and sources about my research. â€Å"Resource could include magazine and newspaper articles which will display how this topic is relevant to general public†(page 56 in text book).I would like to find options from people who have experiences of business about how to become a good business management and how apply the job to the social. Over all, business management is a crucial part of our society nowadays. Every product that we use in our daily life is the results of business management. To achieve the desirable results, managers need to master specific skills in guiding his or her employees reaching the goals of the organization. A manager is considering successful when he or she can generate revenue for the company and satisfy customers’ needs.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
THE THINGS THEY CARRIED Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
THE THINGS THEY CARRIED - Essay Example The characters of the story are foot soldiers of Alpha Company which is serving in Vietnam and is commanded by First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross. The basic theme of the story is the tangible and intangible items carried by the soldiers in Vietnam War and the effect they have on their personalities during the war. The story revolves around Lieutenant Cross, his feelings for his college crush and the death of fellow soldier Ted Lavender. Interestingly, the narrator of the story, O’Brien, who himself is a soldier of Alpha Company differentiates the other soldiers by the things which they carry. â€Å"They carried the sky. The whole atmosphere, they carried it, the humidity, the monsoons, the stink of fungus and decay, all of it, they carried gravity†(O'Brien 14). All the soldiers carry basic fighting supplies e.g. guns, ammunition and ponchos, which can be wrapped around their bodies if they die. However, more importantly, they carry many other personal items. In Army’s slang, carrying of goods by the soldiers is known as â€Å"humping†. According to O’Brien, all the soldiers hump many different things in order to satisfy their emotional bonds or feelings. One of the soldiers carries an illustrated edition of bible, another wears the stocking of his girlfriend around his neckline, yet another man carries a slingshot, another condoms and another some funny comic books. Alpha Company soldiers carry a host of physical items in Vietnam in order to ward off emotional liabilities. According to O’Brien, one such liability is the requirement of soldiers to deal with the apprehensions of reality and fantasy. The consciousness of this apprehension creates a lot of emotional problems for First Lieutenant Cross during his stay with the company. Cross believes that he was so preoccupied with the memories of his college crush Martha and the dreams of life they might spend after war that he had become negligent. â€Å"†¦.and Martha wor e a tweed skirt, and during the final scene, when he touched her knee†¦.†(O’Brien 4). He therefore, blames himself and his negligent attitude towards his men for the death of Ted Lavender’s, a low ranking soldier of the company. If the readers consider the story as a clash between war and love, then most certainly, the death of Ted Lavender and consequent cynicism of Lieutenant Cross suggest success of war in this clash. The story unfolds the doubts and gloominess that the war brings on the nature of the soldiers. Such gloominess and pessimism can be seen in the character of Cross who blames himself for the death of Ted Lavender. Prior to Ted’s death, Cross was completely engrossed in the memories of Martha and remains gripped by most petty matters e.g whether Martha is a virgin or why does she sign the letter with the word â€Å"Love†. However, after Ted’s death, when he decides that it was due to his preoccupation and distractions cau sed by the thoughts of Martha, he expresses his emotions and anger with the only possible manner; by burning the pictures and letters of Martha, in an endeavor to disassociate himself with the what he sees as the root cause of his negligence and a negative force. By the end of the story, Cross concludes that it is far better to be loved by someone than to lead troops in war, which shows exactly how war and the death of a subordinate had disturbed his mental balance. The emotional liabilities which the soldiers of Alpha Company face are magnified by their inexperience in war and young age. Most of the soldiers who fought in Vietnam were in their early twenties; some even in late teens. Before coming for war, they were
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Response to Coments on DQ1 JS and DQ2 MBw7 Essay
Response to Coments on DQ1 JS and DQ2 MBw7 - Essay Example As you mentioned a company can wipe off the balance sheet a portion of its debt by converting the bonds. The bondholder also benefits in case of a conversion because the investor benefits from all the coupons payments that were received and from the equivalent value in stocks which can be converted into cash by selling them in the open market. DQ2 I agree with you that convertible bonds are a win-win proposition. The bondholder benefits when the bonds are converted into common stocks because the investor would be trading in a principal bond balance which was not liquid for an asset that is extremely liquid due to the fact that common stocks can be sold in the open market instantly. I once owned some common stock of Wal-Mart. When I needed some money I called my broker and he sold my common stocks the same day I placed the sale order. Common stocks are a liquid asset. The cash in the form of coupon payments that the bondholder received represents an added benefit for the bondholder. T he company that issues convertible bonds benefits from the flexibility that convertible bonds provide. Convertible bonds are great investments options that provide the investor with the best of both the equity and debt market (Little, 2011). References (2011). Convertible Bonds: An Introduction. Retrieved May 18, 2011 from Little, K. (2011).
Friday, January 24, 2020
Essay --
Imagine yourself strapped upright in a chair, so tightly that you can move nothing, not even your head. A sort of pad grips your head from behind, forcing you to look straight in front of you. This place is bigger than most of the cells you had been in. But you hardly notice your surroundings. All you notice is that there are two small tables straight in front of you, each covered with green baize. One is only a meter or two from you; the other is further away, near the door. For a moment you're alone; then the door opens and I come in. You asked me once what's in Room 101. I told you that you knew the answer already. Everyone knows it. The thing that's in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world. The door opens again. A guard comes in, carrying something made of wire, a box or basket of some kind. He sets it down on the further table. Because of the position in which I'm standing, you can't see what the thing is. The worst thing in the world varies from individual to individual. It may be burial alive, or death by fire, or by drowning, or by impalement, or fifty other deaths. There are cases where it's some quite trivial thing, not even fatal. You move a little to one side, so that you have a better view of the thing on the table. It's an oblong wire cage with a handle on top for carrying it by. Fixed to the front of it is something that looked like a fencing mask, with the concave side outwards. Although it is three or four meters away from you, you could see that the cage is divided lengthways into two compartments, and that there's some kind of creature in each. They're scorpions. In your case, the worst thing in the world happens to be deathstalker scorpions. A sort of premonitory tremor, a fear of you're not certain what, ha... panic takes hold of you. You're blind, helpless, mindless. [As didactically as ever:] It was a common punishment in ancient Persia. The mask is closing on your face. The wire brushes your cheek. And then -- no, it's not relief, only hope, a tiny fragment of hope. You're falling backwards, into enormous depths, away from the scorpions. You're still strapped in the chair, but you'd fallen through the floor, through the walls of the building, through the earth, through the oceans, through the atmosphere, into outer space, into the gulfs between the stars -- always away, away, away from the scorpions. You're light-years distant, but I'm still standing at your side. There's still the cold touch of wire against your cheek. But through the darkness that envelopes you, you hear another metallic click, and know that the cage door had clicked shut and not open. Wake up now.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Dijkstra’s Algorithm Essay
1) Write short notes on: a) Pains of Partition b) Family bonding and disintegration Ans. a) India was a colony for over 200 years and this struggle for independence is deeply rooted in the Indian psyche. More than this, another momentous event of partition is taken up by the authors. Heinous activity, cruelty, barbarism have left deep scars in Indian minds. Different aspects of partition have been dealt with by many writers specially who have themselves undergone that experience. His most famous book is â€Å"Train to Pakistan†. Another important book by him is â€Å"Ghadar 1915: India’s first Armed Revolution†. There are some women writers who have also written about the partition of 1947. Manju Kapur has, in fact, made it the background of her novel â€Å"Difficult Daughter†that was published in 1998. Nina Sibal painted a vivid picture of partition in her novel â€Å"Yatra†and â€Å"What the body remembers†by Shauna Baldwain also throws light on the pains of Partition. b) Among all the countries of the world, the institution of family is of supreme importance in India. Even in this post modern world, Family still plays the pivotal role. There have been continuous twists and turns in the cobweb of family relationship. Many writers have written profusely on it but basically women writers have dealt with an extra edge. Shashi Deshpandey, Kamala Markandeya, Nayantara Sahgal , to name a few. Earlier, India had joint family system but with rapid industrialization and to meet out the search of better opportunities of employment, the families gradually acquired the shape of nuclear ones. Urban migration started with the shifting of masses from rural to urban areas to meet out the challenges of earning living. Such issues also dealt with seriously by many writers in all the languages in India. Both the genres of short stories and novels take up ‘Family’ as an important issue and then the different equations between members of the family always make interesting plot for the stories. Relation between mother and son, husband and wife, brother and brother, brother and sister requires minute detailing and a lot of sensitivity. 2) Write a note on basket-selling girl. Ans. The writer is shown as eighteen years old and studying in the Delhi University. The girl , that he meets at Deoli station, is very poor as her feet were bare but he was struck by the sheer dignity with which she carried herself. She had a typical charm about her personality. She had a beautiful , pale visage with shiny, black hair. The feature of profound attraction was her pair of dark, troubled eyes. In a way the writer was mesmerized by the simple beauty and grace oozing out of her personality. â€Å"She stood by my window for some time and neither of us said anything. But when she moved on, I found myself leaving my seat and going to the carriage door. †The use of the words â€Å"I found myself†amply suggests that he was motivated from within to follow that girl. The germination of love in this story does not seem to be unrequited as the girl also gets sparkled up looking at the writer for the second time. In fact her maiden meeting with the writer instills a spark of happiness within her. He writes, â€Å" I watched her as the platform slipped away. She was alone on the platform and she did not move, but she was looking at me and smiling. I watched her until the signal-box in the way, and then the jungle hid the station, but I could still see her standing there alone †¦.. â€Å" 3. What are the unique features of Desai’s prose style ? Ans. Desai is part of a new literary tradition of Indian writing in English which dates back only to the ’30s or ’40s. She explains that this is because â€Å"at one time all literature was recited rather than read and that remains the tradition in India. It is still rather a strange act to buy a book and read it, an unusual thing to do†. Her new style of writing is also different from that of many Indian writers, as it is much less conservative than Indian literature has been in the past. For these reasons, she says, she is not widely read in India, mainly in Indian universities if at all. Throughout her novels, children’s books, and short stories, Desai focuses on personal struggles and problems of contemporary life that her Indian characters must cope with. She maintains that her primary goal is to discover â€Å"the truth that is nine-tenths of the iceberg that lies submerged beneath the one-tenth visible portion we call Reality†. She portrays the cultural and social changes that India has undergone as she focuses on the incredible power of family and society and the relationships between family members, paying close attention to the trials of women suppressed by Indian society. Desai is praised for her broad understanding on intellectual issues, and for her ability to portray her country so vividly with the way the eastern and western cultures have blended there. 4) Write the character sketch of Daga . Ans. Daga was a contractor who earned huge amount of money. As money begets money, he piled up bundles of notes by hook or by crook. He was involved in the quagmire of immoral deeds like murder, kidnapping, trafficking etc. He had an unsatiating appetite for money and he blew it up on women and alcohol. There was nothing congenial or friendly in Daga’s personality. He did not think twice before slashing anybody from his scheme of life but if someone tried to leave his gang, he would akin it an act of treacherous absconder. For example, there was a man Kannan who wanted to leave Daga’s world of heinous crime but no sooner than this news reached Daga’s ear, he was murdered. When Kailas extricated himself from the company of Daga, he could not take it casually. In spite of Kailas’ escaping to a far off place, in fact a continent away, he managed to find him. To Kailas’ utter discomfort, his greed of money is not quashed. He demanded fifty thousand rupees from him. Kailas tried his level best to make him understand that his current job did not flourish him with unlimited money but Daga was not ready to listen. He was violent enough to have forgotten that Kailas once used to work for him. He used harsh body language while dealing with Kailas. â€Å"If you run again, I will kill you, no matter which gutter you hide in. Tomorrow this time. Fifty thousand. †This threat sent the shivers down Kailas’ spine. He knew that Daga was a killer and that hunting lodge was an ideal place for his murder to be taken place without any news of it to anybody. Finally Daga meets his death as a murderer should die. 5) Write a note on suitability of the title â€Å" Panch Parmeshwar’ . Ans. The story ‘Panch Parmeshwar’ deals with the supremact of
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Fernando Botero (Colombian Artist) Free Essay Example, 2000 words
In his Mona Lisa, he replaces the Italian background with erupting volcanoes, a distinctive feature of South America. Botero also features religion in his work. During his time, the Catholic Church was a distinctive feature of Latin America. It had massive influence in the lives of people throughout the region. Indeed it practically dominated everything in South America. For example, it was active and powerful in the society, politics, culture, and even people’s private lives. Thus, by featuring religion in his work, Botero reveals his Latin American identity. In addition to religion, Botero features politics in his works. Many countries in the region have encountered both civilian and military rule. Through his works, Botero satirizes Latin American politics that are characterized by military coups and human rights abuses. Thus, by featuring the distinct politics of the region, Botero discloses his ties with Latin America. 2. Bullfighting Bullfighting became Botero’s second major theme in his painting career. Although he had ignored the subject matter, he made a dramatic return that provided him with inexhaustible content to illustrate. His focus was mainly on the bullfighting that is considered bad, perhaps a portrayal of his hatred towards inaccuracy. We will write a custom essay sample on Fernando Botero (Colombian Artist) or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now However, the paintings could still be interpreted as a representation of his ideas about reality. To him, what matters is not the faultless illustration of reality, but the creation of the artist’s aesthetic. 3. Violence Violence is also a characteristic feature of some of Botero’s works. Botero has produced two major series of paintings featuring violence. The first series features his native Colombia. Through this series, Botero chose to expose Colombia’s bloody history in some of his paintings. Throughout the twentieth century, Colombia’s politics was dominated by military coups and bloodshed. The subject matter inspired Botero. His purpose of focusing on violence was to reveal what was happening. However, he did not have the intention of changing the situation in his country. The second major series of Botero’s work featuring violence is Abu Ghraib, his impression of Iraqi detainees in the hands of U. S. forces. Botero was inspired by the 2004 revelations of torture of Iraqi detainees in the notorious Abu Ghraib prison. He obtained most of his information from newspapers. Some of the paintings depict naked men with their hands or legs suspended from the roofs of the cells. Others depict blindfolded detainees with blood-stained clothes, an indication of torture.
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