Thursday, November 28, 2019
To Kill A Mockingbird - Who Is The Most Guilty Essays -
To Kill A Mockingbird - Who Is The Most Guilty To Kill A Mockingbird - Who Is The Most Guilty Who is the most guilty? Review the involvement's of the characters in the novel and evaluate weather or not they were guilty, and if so how guilty? In the classic novel ?To Kill A Mockingbird' by Harper Lee there is an abundance of characters that could be proclaimed to be the guilty party, but who is truly the guiltiest one of all? The definition of guilt is as follows; the state of having done something wrong or committed an offense; a feeling of self-reproach from believing that one has done something wrong. My job is to examine the characters closely and determine who is the most guilty in the involvement's of Tom Robinson's prosecution, conviction and ultimately his death. As I stated, there is an abundance of characters that could be guilty, from Mayella and Bob Ewell, Heck Tate, to the jurors and Atticus Finch. All of these characters play a roll in the story, and a roll in the events that happened to Tom Robinson. The story is an interesting one, but guilty parties are found throughout. The story is set against the background of nineteen thirties Southern life. The Finches are a family that once ran a large, successful plantation. Their ancestors had been aristocratic ladies and gentlemen of the south. Now they are reduced to gentle poverty. Atticus and his family live in a town named Maycomb, he is a career layer. He has a son named Jeremy and a daughter named Jean-Louse. They also have a cook named Calpernia, she is a Negro but they respect her greatly. Racism in Maycomb is evident almost where ever you look, and Negro peoples don't have a chance to succeed. A family that played a huge roll in the novel are named the Ewells. They live on the out skirts of town by the dump, near the Negro dwellings. The family consists of Bob, whom has a daughter named Mayella and several other siblings. In the context of the book, they are seen as no better than the Negro's. There is a sheriff named Heck Tate, he is the one and only police officer in the small town, and a judge named Taylor, who in the end hands down Tom's punishment. To Kill A Mockingbird deals with many primal and basic lessons in human nature. The book expresses many issues that affect people throughout there lives. The novel deals with what you feel inside, and I think that some of the characters, or at least, they should be feeling guilt inside. Atticus seems to be a great guy, and a pretty good layer also but he too played a roll in the events that happened to Tom Robinson. Although he did try his best, he was beat before he started...and he knew this. Atticus fought vigorously for him, but failed. Tom was convicted on the charges of rape and Atticus said to him that he would try an appeal, and told him to sit tight. When Tom had been sent to a jail, he was scared for his life and tried to make a run for it, he attempted to scale a large fence. He would have made it if only for the fact that his arm lay dead at his side. He was shot seventeen times in the process. Atticus felt guilty, he was not able to convince Tom that things would work out for him. He failed at letting Tom know that he could be free. The jurors are the single most important people in the court room, and having a clear mind of all prejudices needs to be preset. In this case it was not. The jurors virtually held Tom's life in their hot little hands, and in their prejudicial ways crushed it without thinking twice. The members of the jurors are undoubtedly guilty because of the simple fact that there was no hard evidence that Tom did it, rape Mayella. The jurors should have reviewed the evidence with utter most care, it almost clearly pointed to Bob Ewell as the abuser simply for the fact that a right handed person would have beaten her up. Thus impossible for Tom because his arm lay useless at his side. The evidence was clear, no doctor was brought to the scene to examine Mayella, clearly indicating that something was up, clearly indicating that she was in fact not raped by Tom. The jurors are guilty for the simple fact that they convicted an
Monday, November 25, 2019
How to Write a Perfect Cashier Resume (Examples Included)
How to Write a Perfect Cashier Resume (Examples Included) in our retail-obsessed society, cashiers are the gatekeepers for all of that activity. to be a cashier, you need a range of solid skills: handling money, handling people, troubleshooting tech or people issues on the fly, being a good ambassador for the store, etc. it’s a lot- and if you’re updating your resume, it’s important to make those skills shine. let’s look at the cashier resumes of three different cashiers: one entry-level, one restaurant cashier, and one retail cashier. first up is jamie, who is just out of school, and is looking for a cashier position as a way to build retail this resume in ms wordjamie just graduated from high school, and so doesn’t have a ton of experience yet. however, lack of experience should never stop you from writing a full resume. instead, it’s about shining up the experience you do have, and making sure it emphasizes the skills you’ll need for the job you’re applying for. in jamie’s case, that means playing up his summer experience working in food service. it may not be a one-to-one match with the retail cashier job he’s hoping to get, but it demonstrates that he has a baseline of customer service and money handling skills. the bullets don’t need to list everything you did at your previous job- just the parts that will translate the best for your new, hoped-for job.jamie also includes his volunteer experience as a treasurer, because it shows two things: he is likely responsible enough to be trusted with money, and he has experience being accountable with a bottom line. that’s a very important skill to show in your resume, even if you don’t have a lot of cashier-ing experience under your belt up is joann, who is a more experienced restaurant this resume in ms wordjoann has a lot of experience in her field, but she wants to set up a specific narrative with her resume: that she’s great with customer service and problem solving, and brings a professional approach to her job. so she uses a summary statement, rather than an objective, to set up that theme. that way, when she launches into her work experience, the reader knows what kind of information to expect. it also helps her refine her experience- she doesn’t need to list every customer she’s helped, or every small task she handles as part of her busy day. rather, she focuses on bigger themes of customer service and handling the ins and outs of restaurant transactions with her she starts to close out her resume, she revisits those ideas with a quick summary in the skills section, reminding the reader about her strong points as a restaurant, we have penny, who is experienced on a different cashier path: retail. like joann, penny has a good deal of experience, and wants that to be her main point in the resume as she looks to advance in the retail this resume i n ms wordpenny’s resume is a solid one based on her decade-plus of experience, but it also has an eye toward what comes next for her. she’s currently a college student, studying business and accounting. this suggests that she may not want to be a cashier for the rest of her career, so what she wants to achieve here is showing her strong base of retail/business skills. her professional summary is kind of a combined objective/skills section, listing what she sees are her strongest qualities, setting the tone of the rest of her resume.rather than saying â€Å"i’m a self-starter,†penny is savvy about inserting that into her experience bullets, showing rather than telling. she mentions busting a shoplifter (and being acknowledged for it), and also her success in taking initiative to sell customers on applying for credit cards and rewards programs. it’s important not to use vague, general phrases that aren’t backed up in the rest of your resume. if you say you’re a self-starter, show how you’ve done that. if you are detail-oriented, use brief examples about how you’ve applied that in your job (like in the shoplifting bust that penny mentions. you can talk more about specific examples in your interview, but on the resume it’s important to present information that you can back up in a very specific how about you? are you ready to push your career as a cashier forward with a rocking resume? thejobnetwork has listings for all levels of cashier positions around the country.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Math and students Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Math and students - Coursework Example the traditional algorithms and the student made algorithms .The student made algorithm may be in a position to solve the problem competently delivering the answer. In the handling of problems of algorithm, mathematical validity is a preserve of testing efficiency. The search for validity leads to granting of certain rules of solving math algorithms. The student generated algorithm is different from the traditional algorithm when the answers are similar to those derived from traditional algorithm but the formula and procedure vary from the traditional algorithm. For the algorithms generated by the students to be effective and understandable and be able to offer solutions to the math problem they should be minimal of errors from the beginning .Therefore the teacher should be in a position to monitor the work of the students with the algorithms from the beginning of the exercise to the end of the generation of the algorithm. The should be in a position to explain the algorithm and how it is operating (Tracey,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Strategic Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Strategic Planning - Essay Example Strategic planning may be one individual’s job, but it gets very risky when it is so. To make strategic planning practicable, it is imperative that teamwork is involved in this process. Strategic planning is based on cooperation among the team members that make it. Different people have specific skills and expertise in different fields. Strategic planning, particularly in the contemporary age, is based on the cooperation of experts having specific skills in distinct fields including technology, planning, and management. Coordination is fundamental to the success of strategic planning. Planning is made strategic when a team of experts from different origins and backgrounds and having association with different organizations, cultures, or subcultures are united at one platform and are told the objective that needs to be achieved. â€Å"†¦engaged leadership in the whole process of strategic planning including the implementation, particularly with regard to the three Cs is t he key to success†(Zomorrodian, 2011, p. 1130). Hence, the role and importance of the three C’s in the process of strategic planning cannot be overemphasized. Strategic planning can be understood as assessment of an organization’s needs for the advancement of its goals and missions in a particular time period. When collaboration is integrated into this process, it provides the organization with a way to exchange knowledge, skills, and competencies with different people participating in the process so that the goals can be modified and development can be ensued. This imparts the need to have enough resources as well as a culture that appreciates and encourages cooperation and teamwork. Cooperation plays the role of a catalyst when integrated in the process of strategic planning as it counteracts competition among the team members. Cooperation means development of
Monday, November 18, 2019
Phase 3 Discussion Board (LOG676) Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Phase 3 Discussion Board (LOG676) - Coursework Example The paper will compare the involvement of the United States in humanitarian supply chains and that of Kenya. In 2004, the earthquake and tsunami claimed close to 230000 lives while displacing 1.7 million other people. In the United States, the response was unprecedented and unequaled mobilizing over US$565 million, in both cash and kind. Kenya has been involved in hosting refugees drawn from the neighboring war-torn Somalia and Sudan as well as providing soldiers under AMISON. In any disaster response management as pointed out by practitioners, and researchers, the effectiveness of any emergency drill rely entirely on logistic speed and efficiency. While both countries face the same problems like the impact of political and decision makers in the humanitarian supply chain, other factors such as certainty as well as challenges in the supply of materials, are unique to either. With disaster management efforts measured in terms of uncertainty and complexity, the United States is better equipped with rapid response materials. The main humanitarian arms in the U. S government are the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, USAID, which work with the intergovernmental organizations like the UNHCR CARE and the Catholic Relief Services. While in Kenya, the Kenya Defense Forces, and the Red Cross standout. In my opinion, what makes the response of the United States more concerted is the almost seamless organization in the structure of disaster management as compared to Kenya. Companies involved in roles such as donors, collectors, and providers seem to be well synchronized. It explains why most interventions such as those in Afghanistan and the Iraqi were successful. Companies also offer technological support and staff who are tasked with ensuring efficiency. Thus, the technological advancements help the staff access remote and almost inaccessible areas (Lee, 2003). The United States, as opposed to Kenya, has also ensured that there
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Child Cognitive Development Observation Study
Child Cognitive Development Observation Study Childs Name: Allira Date: 17/03/2015 Childs age: 3 years 11 months Time: various Setting: outdoor setting Name of observer: Thi Pham (Sammi) Learning story: This morning Allira showed her interest in exploring a sand volcano- a natural phenomenon and feeling the rain during a physical activity. At 10 oclock, the weather was a little bit cloudy with gust of wind. Allira was still excited to engage in physical activity with her friends, they took turn to play the slide together. She held the ladder properly by her two hands. Then she put her right feet on the first stair, pushed her body forward then put her left feet on the next stair and climbed up to the slide. When Allira was on the top and ready to slide down, she stretched her wide arms, smiled happily and said Look! Im ready! yeah Then she ran quickly to the end of the line to wait for her turn. Suddenly, a strong wind blew her hair and it started to rain lightly. Its going to rain Allira said. Then she opened her palms to feel drops of rain touching her two little hands and her face. Together with other children, Allira was trying herself to put the raincoat on; she finished by doing a zipper skillfully. After that, she took a sand of bucket, ran to the sandpit to join the activity with others. One by one took turn to build a mound in the sand by shovels when it became bigger and higher. Look, its a volcano Allira said aloud. She looked like a scientist in a blue raincoat. They made a hole in the top and filled with water. All children were excited to see the water overflowing the hole. Allira pretended to be very scared, she opened her big eyes and yelled loudly Bum Bum Bum. Bum Bum Bum other children followed each other. Analysis: There is clear evidence in Alliras cognitive development when she showed her perceptual abilities via sensory experiences to explore the world. She felt and heard the sound of strong windy, touched the drops of rain and she know Its going to rain. She acknowledged cause and effect; the sound of volcano Bum Bum Bum during make-believe play. She get the information received from the environment to alter the way she interact and explore in the pretend play (Berk, 2013) There is a big process in Alliras physical development which has been seen clearly through this experience. Allira is able to keep balance to climb up the stairs with increasing agility and independently. Her fine gross motor skills have developed as she is able to use zipper herself; run confidently at speed to the sandpit with a heavy sand bucket without falling and build a volcano with a shovel. Her eye-body coordination was also addressed when she could coordinate her vision and body movement. Therefore, she has a strong sense of wellbeing Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing (outcome 3, DEEWR, 2009, p.32) Allira has great sense of confidence in her physical ability; demonstrated a good social relationship when she was energetic to enjoy, take turn to play independently with others, (DEEWR, 2009, p.21). Future learning opportunities To develop Alliras gross- fine motor skills and mental health by engaging her in dancing, pushing cart, obstacle course, threading beads, tracing her name. To support her cognitive development and enlarge her knowledge about natural phenomenon by exploring a real volcano experience in sensory play To build positive social-emotional development with her friends and educators by creating a warm and trusting relationship by engaging in activity which she needs to take turn, share and contribute to help each other (outcome 1, DEEWR, 2009). Provision: Physical environment: safe outdoor playing area such as set up a challenging and fun physical activity: pushing cart, climbing or jumping Access intensive teaching and learning opportunities as well as equipment that facilitates social-emotional interaction. Sustainable materials/equipment: sand, flour, cooking oil, liquid detergent, baking soda and vinegar, water, wheelbarrow, cart, dough play, beads or play door equipment Responding to Alliras cues by asking her questions to express her ideas and give her opinion. References: Berk, L. (2013). Child development. Boston: Pearson. Department of Education, employment and workplace relation (DEEWR) (2009). Belonging, Being Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Canberra: DEEWR.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Social Issues Essay -- Definition of a Social Problem
Poverty, violence, crime and racism are major social problems. If we look at the definition of what a social problem is, according to James M. Henslin,"A social problem isan aspect of society that people are concerned about and would like changed. Social problems begin with an objective condition, some aspect of society that can be measured or experienced...The second key element of a social problem is subjective concern, the concern that a significant number of people (or a number of significant people) have about the condition"(Social Problems,2003,p.3). Steinberg believes that disengagement has what it takes to not only be a general social problem but says it is as major as the issues I stated in the beginning. Steinberg (1996) states,"Although it is less visible, less dramatic, and less commented upon than other social problems involving youth...student disengagement is more pervasive and in some ways potentially more harmful to the future well being of American society"(p. 28). Steinberg explains how this problem is not just concentrated in one place, his research s...
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